The Mystery Men
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About Our Team


We just want to play PAINTBALL.

Our Mission Statement

 We as a team are dedicated to the propagation and advancement of the sport of paintball. We do practice and adhere to the safe and ethical use of all paintball equipment with respect for others and our environment. This includes both paintball advocates and the uninitiated alike. We follow the NPPL field regulations and suggested practices. No member of our team will play without all proper safety gear nor will we at any time play with those that do not. It is our creed "Better to lose face than an eye." Some would call us wimps, these are not sportsmen only egos with legs. We enjoy our sport immensely but in the end, it is only a game. We do not condone shooting at pets, wildlife or any other “noun” that is not a part of the field of play. This a violation of good ethics and hopefully law. We acknowledge and accept our reasonability to our fellow citizens and our environment.  

Our History

  In Europe there are spoons that people eat with that are older than the United States of America. In America, there are homes older than our state of Arizona. In our city of Sierra Vista, there are Twinkies on the shelf of SV Food mart older than our Team. We will keep you informed as we actually get some history.;)

April 27 2002 we made our first mark on the scenario scene at the mXs men event in Tucson AZ. The game was produced by MXS Sports and hosted by Paintball Headquarters of Tucson AZ. It would seem our mark was not quite big enough to attract national media attention. So we forge on in our valiant efforts.

October 23 2003 We.... well one of we went to El Tunnel played at Southwest Paintball Headquarters of Surprise AZ. and produced by Wayne Dollack Games. The one mystery man that went was the General of the DEA trying to stop the Traffickers from importing their goods. The half time show consisted of our mystery man going one on one with the opposing general and his twenty plus scenario game experience. Four out of four one-on-one games the Soldier walked his auto cocker off the field with Spyder bites. It is not the marker that makes the player was the lesson of the day. Alas, come Sunday afternoon the drugs got through.

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